
Published by admin on

God of Death & Time


In the very beginning, before the Change Days, before the Domain War before Anore even existed, Cheon and his twin sister, Issias, began to gather fellow deities for the ultimate goal of creating a planet. As the original founders of Anore they claimed they did not rule over their fellow creators but that they all had equal influence on the planet. Issias showed Cheon the death and destruction the war was causing their people and they moved to save their creation. Now ruling over Siliren, Cheon, Issias and Nilata, Goddess of Magic, rule over the other Gods and Goddesses together. They serve as the peacekeepers and the checks and balances between both Siliren and its Gods.


Cheon rules over the domain of Death and Time. It is Cheon who decided the lifespan of beings when they were first created on Anore. He decides when or if a living thing perishes, and technically has the ability to refuse death to something, allowing it to live forever.  However there exists a balance between Life and Death, and Cheon often works closely with Issias to achieve such balance. On Siliren, Cheon took over the charge of deciding death for the humans along with native and mutated species of plants and animals. 

Cheon is the creator and manager of time. He can control its movement and his own travel in it. He is considered the only being who can safely travel through time without risking the way of the world and is often known to jump through time, though his reasons for this as an all knowing and all powerful being are still a mystery.


In today’s world Cheon interacts personally with Siliren very often. However mostly this has do with those beings whose time has come to an end. Therefore he is rarely seen by living creatures. There are some who claim to have seen Cheon in different moments throughout their lives. These people are either simple liars or tend to become a special interest for the God.


While few devote themselves to Cheon fully, most Anorians and Anored Humans show a great respect and fear for the God, as his Domain is something to be respected and feared. There are groups who worship the God of Death, and seek to aid him in his Domain. These groups very rarely understand the required balance between life and death that Cheon follows, and instead are obsessed with the concept of death itself. While Cheon is pleased with the devotion, he does not acknowledge these followers and considers them ignorant.

Last updated byadmin on January 4, 2020