See-Speak is a version of a sign language with no audible sounds. The language is ‘spoken’ through hand movements and gestures. See-Speak is a rough language with no formal written alphabet, and no formal grammar or syntax rules, because of this, no being can be Fluently skilled in this language, the highest one can develop is a Moderate understanding. The language was invented by the Stormborns.
Stormborns, slave orphan children taken up at sea, developed the language over the course of many decades in order to be able to speak to each other outside of the notice and understanding of their masters and captains.
Only Stormborn characters can start with this language, and any character starting with this language can only start with it as a Poor language. Other characters who wish to know this language must learn IC from an approved NPC or other PC. As mentioned above, improving a characters skill in this language is possible, but only to the Moderate level and never to the Fluent level.
Article Inspiration Credit to KaiZayne