On a less traveled backstreet in the Outer Banks of Lysium lies an unassuming building. Those unfamiliar might dismiss this place as just another tavern, but those acquainted or in need of its services would know far more. While the building is first and foremost a drinking establishment, it also happens to be one of the most popular spots for mercenaries to gather and find work in the city.
The worn stone bricks and darkened windows give the building a rather dreary appearance from the outside. Upon entering, though, one can find a cozy interior with subtle blue lights gently drifting along the celling. Above the steps leading to the door hangs a sign that depicts a silhouetted great wyrm backlit by rain and a lightening bolt. Across the bottom of the sign ‘The Stormy Wyrm’ is written in blue script. Inside to the right stands the bar, stocked with ales and meads of all kinds, and to one side of the bar is a notice board with announcements and open jobs. Rough stools line the bar, and wooden tables and chairs are scattered around for patrons to use. To the left a few larger tables and booths take up most of the wall until they reach the far side of the building. A back entrance labeled ‘bathroom’ leads to the alley behind the tavern and another door behind the barkeep leads to the back rooms.
The Stormy Wyrm used to be owned by an old mercenary who lost his crew during a stormy night in the Great Plains. He claimed that he and his friends were traveling in the wilderness when a thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere and within minutes was at full force. Separated due to the harsh weather, he looked on as a titan of a wyrm emerged from the ground and ate his friends whole, mounts and all. Soon after, the storm immediately subsided and he made his way to Lysium terrified and alone. While most would say that it was his imagination or the drugs he was known to take, he believed in what he saw so much that he stocked his house with enough booze to drink the memory away. Obviously, this wasn’t so good for his health, and once he kicked the bucket his wife took the excess ale and turned the building into a tavern to make ends meet. While other old mercenaries would frequently visit the tavern, it was never very successful, passing from owner to owner while just barely staying afloat. That is until the current owner, Graham Haldriss, purchased the building.
Graham bought the tavern from its previous owner in 317 AC at a price befitting a failing business. Being far younger than most tavern owners, many expected him to run the already rapidly declining establishment into the ground, but instead, he managed to turn it completely around and bring the Stormy Wyrm to new heights. Knowing that mercenaries often visited the tavern, he would attract clients to the bar and encourage them to give out jobs. This in turn attracted even more mercs to the bar and eventually led to the Stormy Wyrm’s status as one of the best places in Lysium for them to find work. While clients still do come to the bar to give out work, it is much more common for them to tell Graham what they need and trust that he will find the right person (or people) for the job. Besides Graham, there are a number of others who work for the Stormy Wyrm, namely a secondary barkeep, a few servers, a basic chef, and a couple of young couriers who search for people in need of mercenary help.
NPC Type: TNPC Name: Graham Haldriss Race:Human Birth Year: 292 AC Languages & Fluency: Fluent Common, Fluent Rigarian Reading Language & Fluency: Fluent Common, Poor Rigarian Writing Language & Fluency: Fluent Common, Poor Rigarian Appearance: Graham is, for lack of better words, an average-looking man. He stands at average height, has an average weight, and has an average face. His shaggy brown hair matches the muted color clothes he often wears. The only things that could draw attention to him are his vibrant blue eyes and professional smile. Personality: Graham is a charming individual who acts cool and calm the majority of the time. The other small minority of the time, he is quietly panicking about finding the right person for the job or about personal problems. Even though he isn’t very experienced, he has gained a lot of respect from the mercenaries who frequent his tavern. He likes to know his patrons so that he can give them jobs that better suit their skillsets and personalities.
Beer brewed using a warm fermentation method, resulting in a sweet, full-bodied, and fruity taste.
12oz servings
A thick and heavy dark ale with a creamy finish
2 copper
Brewed from barley, Sorghum, and wheat
12oz servings
The Hellbound
Much like the bitter namesake – This beer is infused with Lemon giving it a bitter taste
Most have an infused version with berries (IE. Elderberry, Peach, Pomegranate)
2oz servings
Made from fermenting corn and stevia – 70 proof
3 copper
Mashed and fermented potatoes turned into a strong, clear liquor. Tends to be mixed with other flavors – 80 proof
5 copper
Fermented Honey and Stevia and aged in barrels – 80 proof
5 copper
Mixed Drinks
Drinks made with multiple types of alcohol or flavorings
8oz servings
A barrel-aged drink mixed with the juice of half a lemon and a bit of honey. Can be garnished with a cherry and a lemon slice.
5 copper
Wyrm Blood
A strong, smooth drink mixed with cream, cacao, and cinnamon. Served with a side of honeyed almonds.
6 copper
Perfect Storm
A tempest made with the highest quality ingredients and swirled with a small amount of cream (for appearance). Served in a cup made of solid light.
1 gold
Dirty Work
The strongest beverage on the menu. An extremely potent clear drink topped with pomegranate and cherry juice. Served in a glass with a bronze dagger. Garnished with a single leaf, whatever the bartender happens to grab. The person drinking won’t be able to taste it anyways.