Technology, as used when pertaining to the subject of Siliren, is defined as any invention of any type that exists within the modern world of Siliren. ‘Technology’ can be anything, some a type of fabric or clothing item, to massive machines or even styles of fighting. While not all pieces of technology (likely very few, actually) are Siliren specific – meaning most technology’s do or have existed in the real world at some point in history – they are all specific to Siliren in some way, either through the cultural history behind the invention or through the Siliren based locations they were invented or produced.
Some Technologies are important for Players to be aware of so that they know what inventions can and cannot currently exist in Siliren. For example, electricity, which is common in the real world, has not yet been invented in Siliren and so electric light and other inventions that are powdered on electricity cannot exist. This lack of electricity dramatically changes the setting of Siliren and her capabilities. Therefore, large or important Technologies that exist on Siliren may be listed below to help Players get a feel for the setting – and may even help them come up with Technologies their Characters can invent.
This list is noncomprehensive. As stated above, Technologies are extensive and not every piece of technology can be written up and listed here. Instead, ones that are deemed very important to the world setting will be written and listed. This list is ever growing, as well, so if you do not see a technology here, but think it may exist – ask a Spirit Moderator and they can confirm or deny your assumption – and maybe even add the technology to the list of Lore Articles to be written and linked here.
Relic Technology
A Relic Technology is a piece of tech that was both invented prior to the Change Days and has, somehow, survived the Universe War and become useful in the modern Siliren world. A Relic Technology can be knowledge retained and passed down from Universe War survivors, or can be archeological discoveries. While most technology and most inventions in Siliren were very likely at some point invented prior to the Change Days whether on Siliren or on Anore, Relic Technologies are specifically inventions that have a direct tie to knowledge prior to the Change Days.
Relic Technologies can be very simple, such as swords since these weapons were created and used by Humans during the Universe War and then carried with the survivors to their new homes, where they created more. But these technologies can also be much more complicated and may not have been ‘reinvented’ for years, decades, or centuries after the Universe War.
Some of the below listed Technologies may be Relic Technologies with a complicated history.
Current Technology List
– Sundial
– Hourglass
– Enchanted Clock