
Published by admin on

Timekeeping is an important aspect of Siliren life. However, the technology for Timekeeping is not very developed. While there are different inventions that measure time in different ways, the most common Timekeeping strategy for the common person is simple knowledge of the Sun’s and Moon’s movement across the sky. This method is free and can be exercised at any time if the day or night and is only somewhat hindered during cloudy days. 

More precise methods of Timekeeping do exist. The first invention was the Sundial that is used widely throughout the population of Siliren. However this device has its downsides, especially on days where the Sun’s rays are blocked, and is useless during nights. 

The second and likely most common device for Timekeeping seen in both rich and poor households is the Hourglass. The most common Hourglass is filled with sand and keeps the time relatively accurately throughout both day and night. There are many versions of the Hourglass, more expensive ones being more accurate. 

Mechanical clocks like we see today on our real world of Earth, do not exist in Siliren as of yet. While there is most certainly someone out there attempting to advance the technology, the most accurate Timekeeping device is that of the Enchanted Clock, found exclusively in magical communities. This clock is near perfectly accurate down to the second, but is highly expensive and rarely found. 

When the time is day is talked about in conversation on Siliren, it is rare for specifics to be mentioned. While hours do exist in terms like we know them on Earth, such as 1 o’clock or 1am/pm, most commoners refer to the time in terms of early afternoon, late morning, midnight, etc. Beginning and ending times for events such as jobs or parties tend to follow the sun, such as the job begins at noon and ends at dusk or the party starts at midmorning when the sun is a quarter of the way in the sky and ends at sundown. 

Last updated byadmin on June 9, 2021


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