The Anatomy skill is a Knowledge Specialization skill characters can earn XP in. A character’s Anatomy skill represents their knowledge on the specific anatomy of sentient beings and playable races. Characters with high Anatomy are knowledgeable about the in-and-outs of a races’ particular biology and how they function, potentially aiding in providing medical attention or targetting weaknesses in combat.
Anatomy includes an aspect of a races’ biological systems such as: bone structure, metabolism, cardiovascular systems, musculature, respiratory system, and numerous others. Anatomy does not include providing medical attention for said systems if they are damaged or hindered as that would either be First Aid or Advanced Medicine.
Anatomy is split up into categories, one for each sentient race. When investing or earning points in Anatomy, please list the specific race you are gaining knowledge in (e.x. Anatomy (Hellbend)).
Below is the list of the current available Anatomy skills: