Despite the extent of their power very few Casters have the intellectual capacity to truly excel in alchemical studies. Generating mystical poultices and wondrous potions requires cunning as well as finesse. Even the best Casters could only hope to become a peddler with their alchemical talents.
First and foremost, Alchemy is not a simplified form of Enchanting. It has a much stronger relation to Herbalism because the Caster researches the effects of combining different reagents to generate temporary magical effects. An Alchemist begins by understanding how bonded rigen works within flora and fauna. If they do not have a more experienced alchemist’s notes, research, or formulas available they could spend a whole decade experimenting before discovering a successful combination. Without an instructor, they would spend a lifetime trying to learn the basic principle of Alchemy.
Rigen has bonded with all living things in Siliren which causes minute changes while it is bonded. During the process of decay, the Rigen breaks down to return to an unbonded, atmospheric particle. Alchemists utilize the bonded rigen, prior to decay, of one component and combine it with the bonded rigen of one or more other different components to generate a new effect. This process is known as Rigionic Bonding. Powdering or liquidating the ingredients before combining them is required. When combined in the right proportions, a fluid of various thicknesses, ranging from watery to a viscous paste, is made with unique Rigen properties. The product itself is inert until exposed to or combined with more Rigen, usually a person’s Personal Rigen or the Atmopool. Despite the form or thickness of the result, all will be referred to as ‘potions’ in this article.
Unfortunately, the product of a successful formula has a limited time before the Rigen breaks down completely. If not consumed or utilized within one day the product loses its abilities and becomes toxic. After a week the product will have fully decayed and lost all Rigen. There is a compound that serves as a catalyst for preventing the Rigen from breaking down. Sap, known as Aetur, from the collargent tree is the only known substance that permits a product of alchemy to remain useful and non-toxic for years after its production.
Once the potion, salve, or oil has interacted with other Rigen as it was intended, a magical effect takes place. The duration is dependent on the Alchemist’s skill available Rigen but can range from hours to days.
Developing a new formula is not a simple procedure. Experiments are required to test whether combinations of certain compounds are compatible or not. Then the Alchemist begins tweaking the formula ratios to discover a desired outcome. Some Alchemists may wish to research generating a specific effect and spend most of their efforts finding the materials needed to do so. While others may take the quicker and riskier method of randomly combining ingredients just to see what happens for the beginning stages.
The duration of effects will vary, as well as how long it takes for it to begin. Ingested products require half an hour before any change is noticeable unless the product was unintendedly toxic. Salves require about ten minutes to be fully absorbed before their intended effects are noticeable. Oils require only a few minutes once they make contact with an exterior source of Rigen, usually another living creature or the Atmopool depending on its purpose.
Alchemy is a combination of magic and science, requiring good understanding of both. Before any ranks can be gained in Alchemy the Caster must be an Expert in Rigenology as well as an Expert in Herbalism and/or Expert in Zoology.
Initial Learning
An instructor is required to learn the alchemical processes and how Rigionic Bonding works. Without an instructor it would require years before any success could be possible. The instructor must be at least an Expert Alchemist.
Skill Levels
With the help of an instructor the Apprentice is primarily learning how to interpret their trial and error process. A majority of their efforts are unsuccessful unless they are working off a formula that an experienced Alchemist has given them access to. Formulas with more than two components, not counting Aetur sap, are beyond the Apprentice’s ability. Their results are able to offer a one-time use potion that grants, at most, a +/-5 modifier to one skill or spell/group. The modifier lasts for approximately half an hour. Other potions capable of an Apprentice are magical toxins that result in minor and temporary wounds or sickness.
The Alchemist is now able to identify the needed corrections to a formula more easily than before. Their understanding is great enough that they can begin researching their own formulas so long as they restrict themselves to two ingredients, not counting Aetur sap. More complicated formulas can be attempted with hit-or-miss success rates. If a formula has more than four ingredients it is beyond the Journeyman’s ability. Their efforts can now generate a one-time use potion that offers up to a +/-10 modifier to any one skill or spell/group that can last for up to two hours. Other potions capable of a Journeyman are magical toxins that result in mild and temporary wounds or sickness.
If a mistake or problem in the Rigionic Bonding process is noticed an Expert can readily identify the issue, though the solution can still prove elusive. At this stage an Alchemist is able to generate salves that can neutralize toxins or poisons, and also heal very minor skin damage with minimal scarring. In addition, an Expert Alchemist’s potions are able to provide two different bonuses. Potions can now generate magical effects such as temporarily changing a person’s features or granting them protection from something specific. Experts are able to attempt the most complicated formulas regardless of the number of ingredients. Their products are able to provide a +/-15 modifier to one skill or spell/group and can last for up to six hours. Magical toxins are able to generate severe or lethal wounds and illnesses.
Research is usually an Alchemist’s main drive at this stage. Now they can create potions, salves, or oils with as few or as many ingredients as they care for. Potions are now capable of up to three different effects. Potions can now also double the healing rate of non-superficial injuries. A Master Alchemist’s items can provide up to a +/-20 modifier to one skill or spell/group and have a duration of up to twenty-four hours. Magical toxins are capable of generating permanent diseases, wounds, or debilitations.
Level 100
Master Alchemists who reach the skill level of 100 are able to create an especially powerful ‘signature’ potion. While, technically, all skill levels have the ability to invent potions, these potions are all restricted to the rules of the level described above. A level 100 Master Alchemist can invent one potion that goes beyond the skill modifier, duration, or effect(s) restricted by the Master level. This one potion is considered the Masters ‘Signature’ potion. While it can be recreated by other level 100 or below Alchemists, it will still be restricted to the restrictions listed in the Master or below levels. Only the inventor of the Signature potion gains the unrestricted benefits. This invention requires discussion with a Spirit Moderator.
The Personal Rigen of the person using the potion/oil/salve is the final ingredient of the alchemical formula and once it is added the effect begins. Using any alchemical product requires 15 points from the person’s Spellpool to initiate the effect. In the instance of an alchemical potion designed to interact with the environment it requires 15 points from the Atmopool to generate its result.
One of the primary challenges an Alchemist faces is having fresh enough ingredients. Plants cannot have decayed for more than an hour and animals cannot have died more than 24 hours prior to their use in the Alchemical process. Certain tools and techniques can be used to delay the Rigen from breaking down, see the Price List, or the specific items Lore Article. The cost to create an Alchemical item is equal to half its market price. The formula for calculating the market price is as follows:
The Bonus to skill/spell x The Bonus x 2 Silver
If a potion produces more than one effect or modifier to more than one skill/spell then add the market price of each effect/bonus together to determine the final market price. This is the price of an item before adding in Aetur sap. The cost of Aetur sap is 2 gold per use which increases the market value by 4 gold. The cost must be paid for every attempt, not just for every success.
An Expert’s salve to heal injuries to the skin has a market value of 5 gold. A Master’s potion to double the healing rate of injuries has a market value of 15 gold.
Potions can only be bought from special Locations in thread, or from PCs who are willing to sell to another PC, in thread.
Alchemical items that have expired or that have been made with an incorrect formula can have devastating effects on a creature. Improperly bonded or unbonded Rigen being ingested into their system can damage the body in limitless ways. Nausea is present even in the mildest of mistakes. The user can suffer from burning, aching, or stabbing pains, if not multiple or all of them, for several hours. Skin discolorations and irritations can occur. Hair loss or premature graying is possible. As well as permanent damage to organs and possibly death.
Potions designed to interact with an environment (Example: an oil that opens a temporary passageway through a wall of stone when smeared across its surface) are at high risk of poisoning or damaging the environment if the formula was incorrect. Even if the formula was correct, using an oil in a way it was not intended can result in volatile effects. Whether it’s an oil, potion, or salve, accidental exposure to spells will result in moderate explosions and potentially unforeseen magical effects.
The more complicated a formula the more likely it is to have an ill-desired effect, even by Master Alchemists. Spirit Moderators can perform interventions if the severity of a risk is underplayed.
Article Credit to Abraxas