The Artistry skill is a Core skill every character receives in their starting package. A character’s Artistry skill represents their general ability to be artistic within 2-D or 3-D mediums like painting or sculpting. Players with high Artistry typically have traits such as good colour coordination, composition, and technique allowing them to create beautiful pieces of art.
Artistry covers numerous 2-D and 3-D mediums such as: drawing, painting, sculpting, carving, pottery, whittling, tattooing, cosmetology, tailoring, photography, and printmaking. Artistry does not include other creative mediums such as theatre, dance, music, or singing as those are separate Knowledge skills.
Skill Levels
Apprentice 1-25
Every artist begins a project with an image of the outcome in their mind. Apprentices are not able to accurately recreate that image, regardless of their medium, unless they use the crudest of methods (i.e. stick figures, basic geometric shapes, etc.). Even then, it is easy for others to misinterpret the final result. Artists that create something for function (sculptors, carvers, tailors, etc.) are able to make something that serves the function, if not very well, and usually with a disorderly appearance. Colors are typically excessively bold and/or clash. There are many flaws visible in their work.
Journeyman 26-50
The final result of the Artist’s efforts now partially resembles the image they had in their mind. A journeyman’s project no longer appears as crude and begins to hint at the use of more complicated methods being involved in the process. Colors are better coordinated but are still not perfect in their application. A couple of flaws are still easily noticeable, like missed stitching for a tailor or a warped cup with many small grooves for a potter.
Expert 51-75
Artists are reaching that point where their designs strongly resemble the image in their mind. They are capable of implementing a complex technique or two in their work with consistent success. Any flaw that exists in their product is only visible with a thorough examination and is usually minor. Although there can still be a critical flaw on occasion. Producing the final image from someone else’s mind still proves challenging. Experts also begin to work with more difficult or exotic materials for their chosen medium.
Master 76-100
Masters are able to accurately produce the image in their mind through their medium with great detail. They know most of the advanced techniques involved and they know how to salvage their work from most simple mistakes. A master is able to produce the final images from someone else’s mind with surprising results. Masters are capable and expected to create masterpieces, even with difficult or exotic materials.