The Charisma skill is a Core skill every character receives in their starting package. A character’s Charisma skill represents their general ability to persuade other people to achieve a certain goal. Characters with high Charisma typically are fairly charming or intimidating figures who have strong influence on the conversations they hold.
Charisma covers several types of social interactions such as: seduction, debate, sweet-talking, and bargaining. Charisma does not include deceptive communication like lying, withholding information, intimidation, or bribing as this would be under the Cunning skill.
Skills Levels
Apprentice 1-25
An Apprentice in Charisma is just beginning to learn the art of persuasion. They tend to stick with one specific style, either a more intimidating face, or a sweet-talker. Apprentices are just learning the basics and may be able to convince friends and family for small favors or bargains, but would fail more often than not at most of their larger persuasive attempts. Apprentices are focused mainly on short persuasions that only require one conversation to achieve.
Journeyman 26-50
A Journeyman apprentice now tries to go further than an Apprentice by practicing with less well-known subjects such as acquaintances, teachers, or people who may hold a lesser status than themselves. While still mainly sticking to either a sweet or salty demeanor, they may find more luck in conversations with bigger payouts, like being able to gain use of another’s belongings for a period of time, scoring a bit of teaching time from an expert, or even scoring a date with someone who may not have been so inclined before. Journeyman now try their hand at long term persuasions that go across multiple conversations for larger payouts.
Expert 51-75
An Expert in Charisma can slip persuasive tactics easily into everyday speech. They find ease with achieving one conversation persuasions for small favors, and their friends and family, as well as acquaintances, tend to bend to their will rather quickly. Experts are still mastering the ‘long con’, but can achieve these as well with effort. Experts, too, are generally pretty skilled in both intimidation and charismatic based persuasions, despite their original preference.
Master 76-100
A Charisma Master tends to speak more in persuasive speech than normal speech in their daily lives. They are able to convince others of small things without fail and can even persuade higher-ups and important figures their way with some effort. Masters tend to get their own way more often than not, and due to their skill are able to create long-lasting decisions through massive threads of persuasion throughout entire organizations. Masters sometimes are found as right-hand men or advisors to high ranking individuals.