The Cunning skill is a Core skill every character receives in their starting package. A character’s Cunning skill represents their general ability to deceive or misdirect other people. Characters with a high Cunning skill are typically good liars who can manipulate the information others receive to achieve their own personal goals.
Cunning covers several types of social interactions such as: lying, bribing, forgery, withholding information, intimidating others, and impersonation. Cunning does not include persuasive communication like seduction, bargaining, sweet-talking, ect as that would be under the Charisma skill.
Skill Levels
Apprentice 1-25
Apprentices have a difficult time fooling anyone because they haven’t learned what it is that convinces people. Much of what they do is over-exaggerated and obvious even to the gullible. Bribing attempts fail most of the time because they are offering way too little, even to the corrupt, or they offer way more than necessary. Lies sound absurd to those that are well-informed. Forgeries only convince those that do not regularly correspond or observe that which has been forged, like an average citizen. Impersonations are inaccurate and can sound rather offensive to the one being impersonated. And the character will have obvious tells when trying to withhold information.
Journeyman 26-50
Journeymen have a better understanding of what makes something believable. They show a better understanding of context, insight, and tone when attempting to lie, impersonate, or make a forgery. Lies are questionable but leave the listener wanting to confirm with those who are better informed than they. Bribes are at least tempting if not accepted outright by those that are corrupt. Forgeries can easily fool the average citizen and perhaps the lowest underlings. Impersonations can mimic a characteristic or two. And those that are not acquaintances with the character do not realize that they are withholding information.
Expert 51-75
A person’s cunning really begins to show at this stage. They are able to convincingly tell more complex lies, and can avoid contradicting their own lies when dealing with an average investigative person. Bribing corrupt individuals is easy, and even some honest ones may accept a substantial bribe. Forgeries can sometimes trick a high-rank official, or person who is familiar with the writing style and/or language. And impersonations can fool the friends and acquaintances of the one being impersonated. The character knows the tells that people look for and can more easily suppress or hide them without being obvious about it.
Master 76-100
The master has learned from all the mistakes they have made up until that point. Misleading and fooling people is almost easy enough to be a subconscious endeavor. Professional investigators have a difficult time proving that your words are lies. Only those with the greatest of convictions can resist a bribe. Professionals require thorough evaluation to notice something is a forgery. Impersonations are now able to trick family members of the one being impersonated. And the character have reached a point that withholding information is only challenging when dealing with a very intuitive person, or someone the character has known closely for a long time.