Food Preparation

Published by Bigealien on

The Food Preparation skill is a Knowledge Specialization skill characters can earn XP in. A character’s Food Preparation skill represents their ability to prepare consumable food or beverages. Characters with a high Food Preparation skill typically are skilled chefs, cooks, or even butchers, able to blend flavors to craft intricate tastes and preserve food for long-term storage.

Food Preparation includes a variety of procedures such as: grilling, baking, or otherwise cooking food, and salting, pickling, or otherwise preserving various foods. Food Preparation does include the beautification of food such as cake decorating but does not include making food sculptures or other art pieces as that would be the Artistry skill. It also does not include brewing, preparing, or preserving alcoholic beverages as that would be under the Brewing skill.

Skill Levels

Apprentice 1-25

Journeyman 26-50

Expert 51-75

Master 76-100

Last updated byBigealien on September 1, 2021


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