Kadin Barracks

Kadin Barracks
The Housing of the Lysium Military
The Kadin Barracks, named after one of the Five Founders of Lysium, resides in the Military discrict of Lysium city. The barracks serve as the housing for the majority of the lower ranking Lysium Military members. Kadin Barracks is made up of three main buildings, a sleeping quarters, mess hall, and officers chambers.
Located in the Military district the Barracks house the members of the Lysium military that are stationed in or near the capital city. Named after one of the original five founders of Lysium, Marcus Kadin instituted the very first protectors of the city and starting the process of building the military to what it is today. The barracks are home to most members of the military except very high officials who are often given their own residences elsewhere in the city. Every Enlisted member of the military station in Lysuim, despite familial location within the city, are required to live within the barracks.
There are three main building that encompass the barracks, the first, and the largest, is the sleeping quarters. The second is the mess hall and overseer’s residence, and the third and final building is the Officers chambers. The sleeping quarters is a long rectangular wooden building with wooden floors. The building itself is rather old and it is easy to spot repairs in the structure based on the coloring of wood that has been aged or replaced. There are several entry doors on the main side, and no windows set into the walls. Inside is rather plain, unless a member has decorated their space with colored tapestries or other items. Each rack is set of two bunk beds spaced a couple of feet away from the next in line. There is one chest at the foot of the bed and another to the right that belong to each of the members in that specific bunk. Each bed is issued one pillow with linen pillow case, linen fitted and top sheet. In colder weather a thick woolen blanket is present as well.
The mess hall is similar in shape to the sleeping quarters, though not quite as long. Just as old as its partner structure, the mess hall is also build and maintained with wood. There are two entrances on horizontal side of the building and a fifth entrance on one of the shorter sides. This final door is locked as it is the entry to the overseers residence which takes up a portion of that side of the building. The other doorways lead to the long hall of tables. Located on the opposite side of the building from the overseers place is the kitchen. It is small and consists only of a few stoves, ovens and sinks. Once long counter separates the open kitchen from the public of the eating area. It is here where the food of the day is placed and each hungry military man takes his fill before sitting down at one of the many circular tables strewn within the dining room.
The final building is a few stories tall as it contains the officers apartments. Lower level Officers are allowed to live in an apartment. Higher level Officers often have their own homes in Lysuim, or rent finer establishments while stationed. If the Officer has a family in the city they are allowed to live off barracks, otherwise they share an apartment with another officer. Each apartment contains 3 rooms, two bedrooms and a common area. Menial furnishing exist from a small bed, nightstand and desk set in each bedroom, to a couch, rug, dining table and chairs in the common room. Officers are allowed to furnish more at their own expense. Like the other buildings, the apartments are made from wood, though the seem in better shape than the other two.
Rent Prices
Sleeping Quarters:
The Sleeping Quarters house the lower ranks of the Lysium Military members stationed in the city. Each room holds two soldiers with a total square footage of 400. Roommates are randomly assigned. Rooms hold a bed, desk, chair, and small chest for each person. Rent is 4c a day. Low-ranking soldiers who are stationed in Lysium MUST live here.
Officer’s Chambers:
The Officer’s Chambers are reserved for mid-range members of the Lysium Military and living here is optional. These chambers are 600 sq.ft each and hold only one tenant. These apartments have two rooms, one large living area that has its own hearth and dining table with one chair, and a smaller bedroom that has a bed and small chest. Rent is slightly lower than average at 9c a day.