Sulstas Lighthouse
Sulstas Lighthouse
Soon after the Hellbends and Humans initial meeting, the Humans, as a gesture of goodwill, gifted the leaders of Avakaron with a copy of the building and technology plans for the Wayward House in Lysium, a lighthouse situated on the shores of the Glancing Giant Lake. The Humans saw the budding talent of shipbuilders and sailors in Avakaron and knew a lighthouse would be useful for them down the road, but the technology and idea was not something that existed for the Hellbends yet.
Thanks to the plans, the Hellbends were able to construct their own lighthouse on the cliff boarding the ocean of Avakaron, a perfect place for returning ships to be warned of the impending shore in darkness. The Sulstas Lighthouse, though, is not exactly like the Wayward House in Lysium. The Hellbend people studied the plans from the Humans, and made the Lighthouse into their own creation, one powered by Rigen, and dedicated to the same Gods the Humans shun.
The Sulstas Lighthouse in Avakaron stands tall on the top of the ridge, a few stories high. Its height is not massive, the cliff it resides on makes it the tallest reaching building in Avakaron. The Lighthouse is cylindrical in shape, with a pointed cone roof at the top. Made of light pink limestone from the shores, and white birch wood roof paneling, the building matches the rest of the city’s architecture and style perfectly. The outside of the building’s limestone is carved with majestic pictures of the Gods and their domains, with Sulest and Muostas reigning over the building. The inside of the tower is basically empty and hallow, a set of stairs winding around each other, spiraling up the tower to the top floor where the functionality of the lighthouse takes place. The stairs are lit, periodically, with wall torches lit by the very same Lumenancers that work in the lighthouse, relit everytime they walk up the steps towards the Master Flame.
The Master Light resides at the top of the Tower. The wooden floor holds a metal sphere in the middle of it, halfway indented into the floor. The sphere has two long poles coming out of each side, used to rotate the sphere in the floor. The sphere also has a section cut out of it, to allow the light out. A Master Lumenancer’s light resides in the sphere at all times and is the source of light for the lighthouse. The top floor walls are all glass at the portions that face the ocean, and the magic light shines out of them to bring the sailors home.
While the Lighthouse is not needed during the day, the city keeps the light lit, allowing this time for Journeymen and Expert Lumenancers to practice their craft and their ability at keeping the light steady. At night, however, Masters are the only ones allowed to take charge of the light, with two or three shift rotations per night. These Masters usually have a few helpers with them as well, Apprentice or Journeyman Casters wanting to learn and slowly work their way to being the Master that holds the light.
Lumenancers who work the Lighthouse are very well respected for keeping the prized Avakaron ships and sailors safe. They are also usually very well-financed by the Champions Sect of the city. If you wish to find employment at any skill level of Lumenancers at the Lighthouse, speak to the Spirit Moderator of Avakaron to find availability.