
Published by admin on


Anore is the world that the Anorian races, all but Humans, and Hellbends originated from. Created by their various Gods they were transported to the world of Siliren when the Domain Wars swallowed it whole.  

Many millennia ago, a large group of Gods and Goddesses came together to create a world. Such an act can be done by one God, or by many, but either way takes hundreds of thousands of years to complete. Each God within this group chose a Domain to rule over, a section of life to create, oversee and manage. Eventually the world of Anore was created and along with it everything that existed from minerals, plants and animals, and sentient races, to love, war, and death. The world was vibrant and full of life and diversity. The Gods reigned over the world and the races worshiped them and looked to them for guidance and protection. 

Little specific knowledge is remembered from Anore, as all those who once lived there are no longer alive. However stories from those few tell about a rich planet full of animals and plants that no longer exist, and Rigen that flowed abundantly through every single piece of matter on the earth. The world was mostly peaceful and advanced with its Rigen, seemingly impossible achievements were commonalities on Anore, spectacles that could never be allowed on Siliren

However, Gods are fluid and therefore emotional. Eventually the large group of omniscient beings grew tired and annoyed with each other and fights broke out. Soon an entire war over control began and the Gods became preoccupied with their warfare that their gaze upon Anore was no longer. Such neglect had a devastating effect on the physical world, and it quickly began to disintegrate with millions upon millions of living things dying of numerous causes from starvation due to non yielding crops, massive and unavoidable natural disasters to pure rage and violence from the confused and desperate races

By the time the Gods and Goddesses of Anore realized their mistake, the world was beyond saving. In order to give their children a chance at surviving a massive Rigen portal was created to transport the sentient beings of Anore to another world, leaving behind a dead and ravaged landscape that would never again resemble the flush world they once knew. 

Very little is known about the exact state of Anore currently. There are some who have claimed to hold the ability to travel back to the world, but such claims are rarely believed. Most assume that even if one was able to go back to Anore, they would not survive the world as it is today.

Last updated byadmin on January 4, 2020