Throughout their lives, Characters will acquire items of value, some larger and more expensive than others. Items like these will require what is called Upkeep, or a seasonal price that must be paid to keep the item in working order, or just to maintain its current condition. These expenses must be paid at the end of every season, so be sure you can afford the Upkeep before purchasing the item or subject. Note that rent for housing is not considered Upkeep. Read more about Housing and rent.
The prices below display how expensive the subject is to maintain each season. People and creatures include the cost of feeding. ‘Poor’ conditions indicate they are not well fed and are subject to more injury or sickness. Too many seasons of poor living can result in death. ‘Average’ keeps the subject content. ‘Well’ indicates fine living which could begin to display overweight issues. For items, Poor indicated more than normal wear and tear and after a while, objects can break and need repairs. Average indicates normal wear and tear and will last pretty long without breaking, while Well indicates perfect upkeep and small repairs and the object will not break. Poor is half the cost of Average, and Well is 150% the cost of Average. If a subject has a percentage then the cost of maintenance for the season equals the percentage of the purchase price for that subject. The Poor and Well modifiers can be applied to the percentages, but this will affect the roleplay around the subject.
For living Upkeep items, such as a Spouse or Family Member, a Character does not have to pay Upkeep on them each season if the NPC has a job. No coins or other items can be gained from the NPC or their job. Learn about these rules more in-depth here. Children require upkeep until the age of 13 where they are considered to be a Family Member and their Upkeep price may change.
Item | Condition | Price or % |
1/4th Acre of Property | Average | 1% |
Boat | Average | 2% |
Ship, Small | Average | 4% |
Ship, Medium | Average | 5% |
Ship, Large | Average | 6% |
Building >/=500 sq ft | Average | 2% |
Building >/=1,500 sq | Average | 2% |
Building >/=2,000 | Average | 3% |
Building >/=5,000 | Average | 4% |
Building >/=10,000 | Average | 4% |
Building >/=25,000 sq ft | Average | 4% |
Building >/=50,000 sq ft | Average | 5% |
Canine | Average | 2 gold 8 silver |
Canine, Large | Average | 3 gold 3 silver |
Child | Average | 8 gold |
Pony | Average | 12 gold 4 silver |
Horse | Average | 16 gold 6 silver |
Draft Horse | Average | 18 gold 3 silver |
Family Member | Average | 8 gold |
Feline | Average | 1 gold 7 silver |
Slave | Average | 6 gold 4 silver |
Spouse | Average | 8 gold |