Where the religious may think a person has the protection of the divine, Casters know that it is protection from their Chimera. A mystically created guardian that protects their Caster from hostile spells, both seen and unseen.
The Caster forms a magical manifestation called a Chimera, which requires a thirty minute ritual. Rituals can be as simple, or complex, as the Caster desires it to be. The Chimera lasts until it depletes its Rigen, or the Caster dismisses them. Every twenty-four hours, a Caster is able to perform a thirty minute ritual to refresh any Rigen that the Chimera has lost. Chimeras are perceivable only to the Caster that created them, other Chimeras, and any Caster that is actively using Auristics. Chimeras are specifically an extension of a Caster’s emotional subconscious, which determines the form that it takes. Rigen replicates the structure of any creature or animal to generate its form. Inexperienced practitioners have nearly no control over the form their Chimera takes, which can cause it to represent creatures that don’t even exist.
The primary factor that determines their form is what the Caster’s subconscious believes the Caster needs based on their current emotional state. If a Caster is fearful and/or trying to feel intimidating, the Chimera could take the form of a dangerous animal (i.e. a bear, lion, or any ferocious looking creature). A Chimera to a content and happy Caster may form a domesticated animal like a canine or feline. Chimeras can take the forms of strange amalgamations. Such as, a large serpent’s body, with two pairs of wings, a head of an eyeless shark, and a pair of pincers on either side of its mouth. Casters may not always understand why a Chimera has taken the form that it has, and sometimes spend a great deal of time trying to interpret the meaning of its form.
Apprentice and Journeyman Casters rarely form a Chimera that is a recognizable animal. Normally it will be a monstrosity, or amalgamation, that includes the physical traits of three or more animals and/or creatures. Spending time studying an animal, usually through close proximity to a living one, allows the Chimera’s form to eventually appear as the animal the Caster has developed an affinity with. Casters reach this point of control as a late Expert or early Master of Chimerics.
A Chimera’s form appears like an apparition; semi-translucent. While the Caster that created them can hear any sounds the Chimera generates (such as growls or whimpers), no Chimera is capable of generating intelligent speech. Any sounds a Chimera makes cannot be heard by others, even if they are actively using Auristics. Chimeras understand the Caster with a level of intelligence equal to the Caster’s. Their bodies are unable to physically affect the world, which allows them to pass through barriers like doors, walls, and ceilings. However, anything affected by or imbued with magic does affect a Chimera.
Their sole purpose is to protect their Caster from magical threats. Which means they never willingly venture further than fifteen feet away from their creators. Chimeras sacrifice a portion, or all of the rigen that was used to create them to counteract or dampen a magical threat that will affect their master. In the heat of battle, a Caster is able to prevent their Chimera from blocking a spell if the Caster feels that they can avoid it on their own. The more experience a Caster has in Chimerics, the more spells a Chimera is able to protect them from. Chimeras cannot be used as a means of scouting or information gathering, such as gazing through a window that their Caster is unable to see through.
While a Chimera is able to protect the Caster from spells they may not even be aware of, they have their limitations. Regardless of a Chimera’s size, they are only able to shield a caster from a single spell at a time. If a Caster is threatened by two spells coming from two directions simultaneously, only one spell can be dampened or blocked by Chimera. When faced against a spell augmented by Paramancy, the hostile spell is treated as being one level higher. Which allows even basic Chimeras to at least cancel out the inherent bonus Paramancy spells receive to their Combat Rolls.
Chimeras are able to protect against spells that have no physical or visual manifestation, such as Siphonics and Telepathy. Regardless of the Siphonist’s level, the Chimeric’s Caster is never drained of Rigen until the Chimera is destroyed. All the Rigen a Siphonist gains comes directly from the Chimera itself. Even if the Caster is unable to see the spell, they are able to sense the approaching danger through their Chimera, who will then defend them from the spell. Imperceivable spells like Telekinesis, that constantly move around, cannot be tracked through a Chimera, only sensed when the Telekinesis intends to target the Chimera’s master. Chimeras are unable to affect non-hostile spells such as Warding, Teleportation. Masking, and Auristics, or against internal spell effects like Delugism and Necrism.
The Caster must have an understanding of Personal Rigen and how to manipulate it when it’s outside of their body. Before any points can be gained in Chimerics a Caster must have at least 20 points in Rigenology. Most instructors highly recommend that a Caster know Auristics before attempting to learn Chimerics, but don’t make it a hard requirement.
Initial Learning
An instructor is required to teach Chimerics and it cannot be self-discovered or self-taught. The instructor must at least be an Expert with the spell.
A beginning Chimerisist is able to generate a ghostly, colorless, visage of a creature with few distinguishing details. The form is based on a small animal or creature (75lbs or less) that they have seen. However, the Caster has no control over what form it takes and is always an amalgamation of at least three creatures, whether real or imaginary. The Chimera is an extension of the Caster’s subconscious will and does not have a personality of its own. Any disobedience is done to safeguard the Caster from direct danger. Their Chimera is capable of neutralizing two hostile spells of Apprentice level that will affect their Caster. Alternatively, they can reduce one Journeyman or better spell by one level to lessen the effects their master will suffer. Effectively applying a -25 modifier to an opponent’s Combat Roll with a spell. The full use of either ability destroys the Chimera.
The Caster has gained enough experience to use their Rigen efficiently when forming their Chimera. While it still appears translucent, a Chimera appears less ghostly and has more visible detail to its form (such as individual scales, fur, or feathers). A Chimera can now be based off an animal or creature of 1,500lbs or less. Casters at this point are able to form amalgamations of a minimum of two creatures, whether real or imaginary. Their Chimera is now able to either nullify four Apprentice level spells, reduce two Journeyman level spells by one level, or reduce one Expert or higher level spell by one level before the Chimera is destroyed.
At this stage, the Caster is able to consciously begin having some, but not total, influence on the Chimera’s form. Such as whether they want their Chimera to specifically have wings, tails, or tentacles, etc. Their forms begin to possess life-like detail and start having color. Chimeras can be based on animals and creatures of 5,000lbs or less. The Chimera is still an amalgamation of at least two creatures, whether real or imaginary. Their Chimera is now able to either nullify eight Apprentice level spells, reduce four Journeyman level spells by one level, reduce two Expert level spells by one level, or reduce one Master level spell by one level before being destroyed. Also, the Chimera is strong enough now to be able to sacrifice itself to reduce any one spell by two levels; effectively applying a -50 modifier to any hostile spell’s Combat Roll.
Masters are now able to fully control the form their Chimera takes, as they may have developed a few personal preferences during their practice. Their form appears solid, though still having smoke or mist emanating from their body. A Chimera’s color appears life-like as well. Chimeras are now able to take any form, whether real or imaginary, that conceivably weighs less than 200,000lbs. Their Chimera is now able to either nullify sixteen Apprentice level spells, reduce eight Journeyman level spells by one level, reduce four Expert level spells by one level, or reduce two Master level spells by one level before being destroyed. Also, the Chimera is strong enough now to be able to reduce any two spells by two levels; effectively applying a -50 modifier to any hostile spell’s Combat Roll. A Master is also able to have two Chimeras at one time by paying the spell cost a second time.
At 100 points the Caster is now able to concentrate on their Chimera so it can be perceivable to everyone for five minute intervals. Others can see and hear the Chimera, but still cannot be physically harmed by a Chimera without the use of Paramancy. These masters can generate a Chimera of any form, whether real or imaginary, that conceivably weighs less than 400,000lbs. A master at this level can now have their Chimera reduce any three hostile spells by two levels, or reduce one hostile spell by three levels (-75 modifier for Combat Rolls) before their Chimera is destroyed.
All Rigen for Chimerics comes from the Caster’s personal Spellpool. The base cost is 40 points regardless of the Caster’s skill level. Chimeras last until either their Caster dismisses them, or they reach their maximum threshold when defending their Caster. A Chimera that lasts longer than 24 hours requires the Caster to refresh any depleted Rigen from their Chimera’s form. This causes the Caster to have a constant drain of 40 points from their spellpool so long as their Chimera exists. It also refreshes the number of spells the Chimera is able to protect their Caster from.
Chimerics is considered a medium risk spell. It has a high spellpool cost that can quickly cause Depletion in a Caster. Some Casters can sometimes become too reliant on their Chimera and overestimate its ability to protect them, causing them to take unnecessary risks.
This Lore Article was a collaborative effort of Geronimo and Abraxas.