Goddess of Culture, Unity & Heritage
Cimese was the first of the two Gods who perished in the Domain War. The disagreements and separation of the once unified group of Gods and Goddesses, weakened the Goddess of Unity. In her vulnerable state she fell easily to the hands of Moroth, God of Chaos. While her domains of Culture and Heritage were instilled within Anore and its people, the domain of Unity fell and Anore ruptured into chaos, strengthening Moroth and the Domain War itself. After her death, Cimese was unable to bring unity to Siliren and aid in The Change Days. Instead of a peaceful transition, as likely would have been with Cimese’s presence, the Universe War broke out among the Humans and the Anorians. To this day complete unity has yet to be achieved between the two groups.
At the beginning of Anore, Cimese instituted culture and heritage to the world. She is the mother of art and anthropological history. The concept was taken well in Anorian daily life, and family ties and regional culture was popular concepts in most populations. Today the Anorians carry this philosophy with them to Siliren and still mourn Cimese’s fall. Cimese was also the Goddess of Unity, and because of her the Anorians lived in relative peace for the majority of their time on Anore. However at her death, the concept of unity, while still existing, lacked an overseer and enforcer. On Siliren, different populations are more readily willing to go to war, rather than putting aside differences for the sake of unification.
On Anore, Cimese was often seen in cultural celebrations, war treaties and other events relating to her domain. However her death during the Domain War means she will never interact with anything within Siliren.
To the Anorians, Cimese is still worshiped and mourned in many groups. Some populations, however, have begun to forget the Goddess, and she is much less recognized than her surviving partners. To the Humans, Cimese never existed in their world, and even those Humans willing to accept the reality of their new Gods, are rarely aware of Cimese and her domains or sacrifice.