Domain War
Domain War
A total of twenty seven Gods and Goddess’ joined forces to create the planet of Anore. Each chose a domain or two to rule over such as life, death, strength, or even the ocean. However, Gods, being all-powerful beings, tend to have a picky nature with high egos. While they attempted to work together, disagreements about the world they created and how it should be run inevitably arose. It took a few hundred thousand years, but finally the dams broke and chaos flooded the God’s and Goddess’ plane.
Little is known about what started the disagreement, and different Gods and Goddesses joined in on the argument at different times, for different reasons. However it soon engulfed each God and the tense arguments erupted into a full on war with many sides.
The Domain War as it would henceforth be called, lasted around ten years, a miniscule amount of time for the superior beings. And so while on their plane, the Gods and Goddess’ did not blink at their war, as their thoughts were all so completely focused on winning and defeating their prior partners turned enemies. Yet down on Anore the people were suffering. The war had caused the Gods to turn their backs on their creation, letting their rage for each other fuel themselves. But the rage channeled through the Gods and into their controlled Domains. Fire swept through the lands and the earth would crack open and collapse beneath extravagant cities. Babies would die within wombs as their mothers shriveled in starvation and disease. Plants refused to grow and fertile lands grew barren. Oceans dried up as rain ceased falling. The entire planet was dying and the Anorians felt their Gods had abandoned them.
It was Issias, Goddess of Life, who first felt the disturbance. She looked down at her planet of Anore in horror as she felt the loss of life sweep over it. Instantly she realized what she and her companions had done with their obnoxious fighting, and attempted to stop it for the sake of their creation. She went to the God of Death first, her twin, Cheon, who had unknowingly been harnessing the power of death from Anore to succeed in the battles. Once he understood the events taking place, knowing that death and life must have a balance, he joined forces with Issias.
Slowly the pair went to each creator and turned them to their plight. For some it was simply too late, as two Gods had already perished in the battles. The last to surrender was Rakar, the God of War, who had been thriving in the fighting. However, he too, realized that if their planet was dead, there would be nothing to fight about. So with the Gods and Goddess’ finally reunited under a common issue, they began attempting to rescue Anore from their destruction.
Unfortunately, the damage had been done. Anore was on an irreversible track to extinction and not even the Gods could alter the path. Knowing their creation was soon to be destroyed by their own actions, they devised a plan. Creating another planet for the Anorians to live on was the first idea, however quickly thrown out as the creation would take a millennia. Anore would be long gone by then. Their finalized plan was to track down a planet, abandoned or unclaimed by any God, and take it for their own, transferring the Anorians to a new home.
It was Nysem, God of Honor and Truth, and Cheon who were sent to find a new world. In their absence Angtas, Goddess of Balance and Issias would attempt to keep Anore alive while Nilata, Goddess of Rigen, and Citah God of Travel, harnessed all the Rigen in the world to create a portal sufficient to transport all the Anorians to the newly found land. The other Gods aided the Anorians in surviving through their own Domains.
Once Nysem and Cheon returned, it was all hands on deck to preserve as much life as possible. With the Rigen portal created, The Change Days begun.