Account Creation Guide
Welcome to Siliren and welcome to the Account Creation Guide. This guide will walk you through the steps of creating your first, second, third, ect. accounts on Siliren and what makes them different from each other. There are three different Account types that will determine many things on Siliren. Read about them below. Please read this guide in full as it is entirely composed of extremely important information. Once you are done here check out the Beginners Guide for links to a bunch of extremely important information.
Player Account
A Player account is an account that representents the writer, not the fictional character that exists in the world of Siliren, but instead the actual person behind the screen. When registering for the site for the very first time the interested party should create a Player account FIRST.
A Player account is basically the host of any Character Accounts the writer will end up creating and roleplaying through. A Player Account does not post in any In-Character forums on the site. The main function of the Player Account is to socialize with others and keep track of what characters they currently have active as well as inactive. If a writer wishes to contribute to the lore of the site, they would go through their Player Account, rather than their Character account.
To create a Player account the writer would go to the register page of the forums, accept the terms, and fill out the fields. Their username can be whatever they want it to be. It will not be the fictional name of a Character they plan on playing or their real-life name. This username is also the username or ‘nickname’ you will use on the site’s Discord server if you join the server. The email address associated with this account should be the main email address used by the writer. This email is the one most likely to receive emails sent by The Race of the Player Account should just be Player.
Once you complete the registration you can log in and post immediately upon registration.
The first thing a new Player Account should create is what is called a Player Sheet. A Player Sheet is a post in the Player Sheet forum that details the basic information of the Player. Consider it a type of ‘Profile’. Siliren and its affiliates will never ask you for any personal information, so do not feel the need to post any information about yourself that you are not comfortable with sharing. Please see the Player Sheet page to learn about what should and should not be on this Sheet. Once you create a Player Sheet, copy the URL or link of the page and go to your user control panel. To do this click on your username in the top right of the page, a dropdown should appear and click User Control Panel. Click the Profile tab, there are several fields you can fill out at the bottom of the page. Under the Player Sheet section is where you will post your Player Sheet link. THIS IS REQUIRED.
The other fields are Race. You should have already selected the correct field during registration. But you can change it here if not. The Spirit Access field is described below. The Journal and Plot Notes sections likely won’t be used for Player Accounts – but can be – and they will be described below. The Office field is only for Spirit Moderator accounts. Be sure to click ‘submit’ when you are done here.
After this is completed feel free to participate in any OOC forum and introduce yourself to the site. Once you create a Character by following this guide under the Character Account heading come back to your Player Account and update your Player Sheet with this and any following Characters you create on the site. It is extremely important, and required, that you record your active and inactive characters on your Player Sheet. When you receive your Character Spirit Access link, you will also receive one for your Player Account. You will receive these links after you request for your CS to be approved. This MUST be posted in your profile under the Spirit Access field, following the same directions used to locate the Character/Player Sheet Field.
Character Account
A Character Account is the second account you will be creating on Siliren. If you have not yet created a Player Account, you must do this before you create a Character Account. A Character Account is the account you will use to host and play with the fictional character you create to exist within the world of Siliren.
Upon registering for a Character account go to the register page of the forums. You must complete this form again, and again for every Character you create. For Race simply pick the race of the character you are creating. You can always change this later but must choose one now in order to move on. However, you may use the same email address for every account you create! You can also connect all your accounts together, but this will be explained later.
On the registration page, you will be required to fill out a few fields. The first is the Username field. The username will be the name of your Character. It can be the first name, the first and last, the nickname, or whatever other names your character will go by THE MOST, but not a Title that your character may have. For example, if your character’s born name is ‘Alex Waters’, but the character in his head likes to call himself ‘The Great Water’, but everyone he knows simply calls him ‘Waters’, then the username can be ‘Alex Waters’ or ‘Alex’ or ‘Waters’ but not ‘The Great Water’.
Once you complete the registration you can log in and post immediately upon registration.
The first thing a Character Account should do is create a Character Sheet under the Character Sheet forum. Read this article here that goes into great detail about what a Character Sheet it. Take your time on this, the Sheet does not need to be posted until you are ready to post it. Once you create a Character Sheet, copy the URL or link of the page and go to your user profile. Click the Profile tab, at the bottom of the page there are several fields you can fill out. Under the Character Sheet section is where you will post your Character Sheet link. THIS IS REQUIRED.
The other fields are Race, you should have already done this during registration, but can change it if you like. The Player Sheet section is where you should post the same link you posted on your Player Account. The Spirit Access field is described below. The Journal and Plot Notes sections correspond to your thread post in those respective forums. They are not required! Journals are IC diaries, notebooks, etc. for your Character and this field is just a shortcut. The same with Plot Notes, they are OOC notes, goals, plan, etc. for your Character. More detail about these can be found in their respective forums. Be sure to click ‘submit’ when you are done here.
After this is completed feel free to participate in the forums and introduce yourself to the site. Once you create a character by following this guide come back to your Player Account and update your Player Sheet with this and any following character you create on the site. It is extremely important, and required, that you record your active and inactive characters on your Player Sheet. Once you are done with your CS and it is no longer a WIP, be sure to copy and paste the link into the Character Sheet Approval Request thread that is stickied in the Character Sheet forums. You must do this in order to have your CS approved. Once it is approved you will be PMed a Spirit Access link. This link, which you can read about here, MUST be posted in your profile under the Spirit Access field, following the same directions used to locate the Character/Player Sheet Field. At this time your Player Account will also be PMed a Spirit Access link.
Moderator Account
A Moderator Account is the final account type. The only way to get a Moderator Account is to apply and then be approved to be a Spirit Moderator on Siliren. If approved, the World Spirit or another governing Moderator will help you with the process. But the basics are described here.
The Player Account of the new Moderator will be transformed into a Moderator Account. This means changing your ‘Race’ under your profile to the ‘Moderator’. Your Player Sheet link stays the same, but now you will create an office under the direction of a superior and that link will be posted under the ‘Character Sheet’ field. Your Spirit Access link may be changed, but you will be notified of the change by a higher ranking Spirit Moderator and if this is the case, the new link will be sent to you to update on your profile. For all other questions, ask a higher ranking Moderator.
Linking Accounts
It is possible to link accounts on the forums. To do this, log in to one account and go to the User Control Panel. Click the ‘Linked Accounts’ tab. Here you will be able to add the username and password of the account you wish to link to the current one, as well as confirm the password of the current account. Once submitted the accounts will be linked and you can switch account easily with the dropdown menu accessible from the profile button on the top right of the page. Same menu where you access the user control panel.