Chat Rules
Chat Rules
Chatting live with other players and moderators of Siliren is possible. does not have an on site chat, instead we utilize the Discord app. Discord is a fantastic chat system that allows everyone to come together. In order to join our Siliren server on Discord, you must have a Discord account. After that simply click on the Invite Link below to join!
The Siliren Chat which is hosted on Discord is open to any person currently registered on Siliren, or looking to register. Chat is a great place to get to know other players and is a very useful resource for questions and answers. It is a social area, and so there are some rules and regulations that are to be followed at all times. Within Chat are Siliren’s Spirit Moderators, as well as possible PCs that were given the Role of Chat Spirit Moderator without being an official staff member of Siliren. Each Moderator is to be wholly respected and listened to. Their word is law. All rules listed below are to be followed and the Moderators will enforce these rules. They may also implement temporary rules, or ask a player to stop or change specific behavior. If a Moderator is ignored at any time, they have the full ability and permissions to deal punishment to the offender.
While Siliren as a website is rated 333, Siliren Chat is rated 111. This means that infrequent, mild swearing is permitted, along with mild sexual innuendos and references and mild violence is permitted. See this article for information on the site rating.
Upon the joining of Siliren Chat, one must change their nickname to their Siliren Player Account name. Once they have created Characters they can request roles and gain access to other chats. Nicknames can only be the exact Player Account name, with no additions. If a player does not yet have a Player Account, this is fine, but they are expected to change their nickname once they create an account.
Personal Information
It is up the you as the player to both protect yourself and your personal information, as well as decide if and what personal information you share on the site or on the chat server. We take privacy seriously here on Siliren, but it is up to you to protect yourself. Personal stories about your day to day life can be nice additions to a conversation, but it is never required to share any detail about real life with anyone on Siliren, or anyone online. Personal information such as real name, age or location can also be shared with others, but please take this seriously. I understand true friends can be made online, but take extreme caution. Spirit Moderators on Siliren and on Siliren Chat will never ask you for you real name, age, location or any other personal information that can be used to locate you, either in real life or on other online communities. If you do share personal information I suggest doing so in a private chat with the one person you are telling. This way the information is not on the public server for anyone and everyone to see.
Siliren Discord Chat and are not officially connected. We rely on the honesty of those who log into out Discord server to tell the truth on who they are and what account on Siliren they play. Joining the server and saying you play a character whom you do not actually play is not allowed for obvious reasons. Discovery of this act will result in a ban from the server and a possible ban from as a whole.
Foul Language
Please remember that it is possible there are underage children who frequent Siliren and Chat. Using foul language is allowed, but in moderation. The use of bad words on Chat reflects you as a person. On Siliren there is an original list of ‘bad words’ created for the Siliren world that do not resemble real life bad words. These can be used in character – on Siliren – and are allowed on Chat. Obviously spamming of foul language or abuse of it towards another person is not allowed. All Chat Spirits have to ability to give orders regarding the rules, as well as kick, mute, ban or otherwise warn and punish offenders.
Mental Illness and Triggers
Real Life is a lot to handle, for everyone. Depression and other mental disorders exist and cause serious effects on the lives of those affected. On Siliren we are very sensitive to these things and therefore this rule exists. If you are experiencing mental problems and issues that you feel the need to share with others; Siliren is not the place to do so. I understand this may seem harsh, but it must be made clear: Siliren is not a place to delve into your mental state and status. Please do not share this type of information on the chat or on the site. If there is a player you have met and befriended from Siliren and want to talk to about these issues, make sure you have specifically asked them privately if they are comfortable talking to you about these topics. If they agree, feel free to talk to them, privately. I as the Founder of the site am also always willing to talk but please PM me privately on Siliren or on Discord. Understand that there are others out there who may be experiencing similar problems to you and that bringing these topics up around them may ‘trigger’ them, or cause them pain and mental suffering. This is why all topics like these are not allowed at all on Siliren Chat. Talking about this will result in the deletion of the post as well as a stern warning. Repetition of this behavior can lead to more severe consequences.
In general spamming is annoying and distasteful. Spamming is when someone quickly and repeatedly posts in a chat channel a repetitive link, word or phrase, causing the chat to become cluttered and filled with this spam. The first instance of this will cause deletion of the posts and a stern warning. If this behavior continues more severe consequences will occur.
General Hatefulness
Siliren is a community of friends. Hatefulness in the form of rumors, talking behind someone’s back, racism, and other unfriendly talks will absolutely not be tolerated. This includes sparking fights with others on Siliren or in Chat. Events like these will cause immediate repercussions, from the deletion of the posts and punishments by muting or kicking from the server. Moderators will also privately PM you about this behavior. Repeats of these events will not be tolerated in the slightest and severe consequences will occur.
Screen Shots
Siliren Chat is a public place and by posting within it you are allowing your words to be read and distributed via screenshots and quotes. Please keep this in mind when posting sensitive data or comments. Private chats cannot be controlled by Siliren and its moderators. Screenshots of private chats or sharing of information gained from private chats, with those associated with Siliren without the other private chat members approval is not allowed. Breaking of this rule will result in immediate and severe consequences. The only exception to this rule is if you are uncomfortable or worried about something said within a private chat it is encouraged to share the contents of the conversation with a Siliren Moderator, and only a Siliren Moderator. Moderators will then be able to deal with the situation.
Political or Religious Topics
Political and Religious opinions and beliefs often have very strong and unbending thoughts attached to them. While the discussion of these topics is not necessarily disallowed on chat, please keep in mind that personal opinions like these are held very close to the person and it is easy to offend and spark arguments while the topic is on hand. It is preferable to simply keep these topics out of chat entirely, making use of private chat if really necessary. Again these topics of conversation are allowed, strictly speaking, a Chat Spirit Moderator can ask those involved to move on to other conversations at any time during the exchange. Those who do not comply with the demands of the Moderator may face consequences.
Links to other sites that compete with Siliren are not allowed to be posted on Chat. Self-promotion is allowed in the Off-Topic and in the Recommendations chat, but again, it cannot be related to a site or idea that is competing with Siliren. I am all for self-promotion, whether you are an artist or a writer or game designer or anything else! However asking people for money, or to buy something is not allowed. Feel free to post a link to your personal website and portfolio or a link to your book that was just published, but asking for money is not allowed ever.
Chat Channels:
This channel explains the directions on how to change your username to your Player Account name and how to make a Siliren account and how to request Roles. This channel will also provide the Siliren link to this page where the chat rules are spelled out. Typing in this channel is not available to players.
Siliren is ever-growing and changing and this channel is where the Spirit Moderators post when something new is added to Siliren or when something is changed to edited. It is rare that @everyone is pinged in this channel, but the information here is interesting and important, so be sure to keep yourself updated on this chat!
Role Request
The Role Request channel is used when a player creates a Character Account on the site. Once they have created a character and posted a completed Character Sheet in the Character Sheet forum, they can go to this channel to request to be placed into specific roles that fit their character. All the current roles are listed within the channel, but the most common are the ones assigned to each city that is currently open for play on Siliren. Once you get assigned these roles you can now access and participate in the private chats for those roles. It might take some time for a Moderator to go through and assign the roles, so please be patient.
Some systems on Siliren require Players to roll dice to determine the outcome. This is the channel to do that! Most of the time rolling is optional and can be done to randomly determine the outcome of almost anything. But sometimes rolling is required by a Moderator. This channel is an easy place for a player to come and roll publicly and easily. Check out the pinned messages for the commands to work the dice rolling bot.
Music Commands
When talking in one of the Voice Chat channels, it is possible to listen to music at the same time through our discord! To do that simply come to this channel and check out the pinned message to learn about the music bot’s commands and begin listening to your choice of music! You must be in a voice chat channel in order to listen. If you find yourself using this bot a lot and need more permissions, request the DJ role in the Role Request channel. Be mindful of others in the voice chat! You can edit the volume of the Music bot by right-clicking him in the VC. If others are listening to music, let them finish their song before changing to yours. Those who abuse this bot by being rude to others will see punishment.
The main chat channel is called ‘general’ and is where most players come to talk about many different topics. While Siliren topics are held at the highest priority here, other topics from interest to personal life stories, to random thoughts, are allowed here. General is where we, as a community, come to chat with each other and conversations can go far and wide from the original topic. There are not many rules for this chat, but here are some.
No Non-Siliren based links are allowed within General chat. Links from the Siliren website are allowed if they respond to the topic at hand. However, spamming of any kind of link – Siliren or not – can result in consequences. Please note any image links are not allowed on General chat. Please take image and non Siiren links to the ‘Off-Topic- chat channel.
The Off-Topic channel is for topics of discussion that would not be either allowed on General or would interrupt an already existing and current conversation held on General. Topics of conversation on Off-Topic can be numerous and diverse and there are not really any boundaries to the conversation as long as the Chat Rules are followed. Off-Topic is also the channel to post non-Siliren and image links, rather than in General. Chat Spirits in Off Topic are the main rule makers of the channel, and what they say goes.
Questions and Development
Siliren is constantly under development and new players are always joining. Some may have questions about character creation, systems, or anything else regarding Siliren. Within this channel, it is easy to find answers. Simply ask the question and other players or Spirits will come to your aid and give you answers or relevant links.
This thread is for the posting of funny, interesting, well-written, or otherwise of note IC posts or parts of posts by any Player or Character account on Siliren. This is a great way to shout out a thread partner for making the thread awesome! you can even shout out yourself if you want! Go for it! Simply copy and paste the quote you wish to post in between this series of symbols: “`
It is extremely important to note a few things with this channel. ONLY positive comments are allowed here. Bullying or making fun of anyone’s writing is strictly disallowed here – and in any channel on the chat! Also, if you feel that this chat is negative because of any reason please PM Bigealien and I can give a role so that you dont see the messages on this channel. Be aware, though, that no one is trying to be malicious on this channel. If you think otherwise please bring this to the attention of a Spirit Moderator.
Sometimes we come across things that are so awesome we want to share with others! While the Off-Topic channel is the place for Youtube Videos or images, this channel is for larger works or people as a whole. Recommendations for Youtube Channels as a whole (not just a video or two) recomendations for Streamers, for Video Games, etc. Here is also the place you can promote yourself if you want or your friends if there is an awesome project being worked on! If you are unsure if something you want to post fits here or in Off-Topic, just ask a Moderator.
City Chat
Each city within Siliren will have its own private chat channel that a player is added to upon their approval of their requested roles. Here only other players who play within the city can see or type within the chat. This allows players to get to know each other and the PCs better and talk about events, advertise open threads, or plan threads. Conversations topics can be numerous and diverse as long as they follow the overall Chat Rules. Each city channel will also have a corresponding ‘Off-Topic City’ channel to post links and images that are hidden from players, not within the city. Here it is also common to see the City Spirit and ask questions.
When in a Voice Chat channel talking to other Players, sometimes things come up of relevance, such as links, images, etc. Instead of posting such things to General or Off-Topic where they won’t make sense to others chatters not in the VC, you can instead post in this channel.