
Published by admin on

Fauna is the word used to group together every animal that exists within Siliren. There are two main subgroups of Fauna, Standard and Unique, which are detailed below. Fauna are present in every single environment in Siliren, some Fauna are abundant and widespread through multiple biomes, while some Fauna are extremely rare and can only be found in extremely specific locations. Fauna are extremely diverse and the list is always expanding.

Standard Fauna

Standard Fauna are the most common group of Fauna a PC will encounter in their daily lives. Standard Fauna encompasses all the animals that exist also within the Real World. The term ‘Standard Fauna’ is an OOC term only, as IC one would not have the Real World to compare the animals existence to. Every Real World animal that exists, exists within Siliren as well and so it is easy this way to research and describe the environment around your PC, as you can assume as long as a certain Real World animal could survive within an environment similar to the PCs area, it would realistically exist there. The only exception to this are dog, cat and horse breeds from the Real World do not exist within Siliren. Instead there are Unique Fauna that detail unique dog, cat and horse breeds of Siliren. Each environment will have a working list of Standard Fauna that can be found there. This list can help a player build their environment, without requiring outside research. This list is not complete and it is allowed to use animals not on the list within a thread. Please do the correct research prior to use, though, to make sure everything is realistic. Note that a PC may know the names and basic facts about many common animals, simply by having been around them their entire lives. However a PC can not know every animal there is so it is advised to take realism into play when deciding if your PC can identify a Standard Fauna animal.

If a PC roleplays a Standard Fauna animal that does not currently exist on the environments Fauna list, make this aware to the local Spirit. They can add this animal to the list, slowly expanding on it. If you come across a Standard Fauna animal that is not on the environment Fauna list, feel free to submit it to a local Spirit so it can be added as well, whether or not it is currently being used within a thread.

Some Standard Fauna will have their own Wiki page that will detail their Real World qualities such as appearance, rarity level, and biological qualities. The Wiki page will also detail the Siliren related facts, such as locations or uses, that are related to the animal. This serves as an even more in depth aid for those looking to know more about the animal. The Wiki will also list important skill related facts such as at what Taming level the PC has to be at to attempt to tame the animal, or what Animal Husbandry level it requires a PC to be at in order to properly care for it. 

Unique Fauna

Unique Fauna is a much smaller group of Fauna within Siliren. Unique Fauna encompasses all the Fauna that is unique to Siliren, or does not exist in the Real World. Most of these animals have an origin that can be traced back to The Change Days, where they were created by mutations of Rigen. Some may have come about directly during or after The Change Days, while others may come later, either by Rigen mutations long after the fact, or by cross mating or experiments on Unique Fauna. Others, most commonly domestic dogs, cats and horses, do not owe their existence to Rigen, but instead to sentient beings that selectively bred them over the course of many years. While some Unique Fauna were created by Rigen, this does not necessarily mean they have to possess magical qualities. Many can and will have magical qualities that have endless possibilities, but many will also simply sport a biological or cosmetic difference. Each unique Fauna is created OOC by a Spirit or a player who chooses to contribute. Unique Fauna write ups are always welcome within the World Development Forum, and are a great way to bring more color to Siliren

All Unique Fauna will have a Wiki page dedicated to them. Because they are unique to Siliren they cannot be approved by Spirits unless nearly every detail about their existence has been detailed and written. Players who attempt to submit their own Unique Fauna write ups will need to understand that the write up will be scrutinized heavily, and the player may have to add many more details about the animal prior to approval. Unique Fauna must be approved and have their own Wiki page before they can be used within a thread. The Wiki page will also detail the Taming and Animal Husbandry level required to succeed in these skills related to the animal, as well as any magical properties the animal may possess. Rarity level, appearance, reproduction and uses will all be detailed within the Wiki page as well.

Last updated byadmin on June 30, 2020