Multiple Accounts

Published by admin on

When creating a character on Siliren a player must create a new account using their email address, a username (the PC name) and a password. Therefore only one PC can be connected to each email address. However players are allowed to have multiple PCs per player, they would simply need to use a different email address for creation. Currently there is no limit on how many active PCs a player can own, though this rule may change as the site ages. 

Multiple active PCs can be difficult to juggle. While a player is allowed to do so it is recommended to have a max of around three active PCs, as any more than this can easily cause some PCs to be neglected. Be careful to be cautious with this rule. Currently, there is no max to how many PCs a player can juggle, but a couple of wrong moves by a player or two may ruin this for the rest of the players. This rule can change at any time. 

While a player can have multiple PCs in either completely different cities or even the same city, they cannot have their PCs RP in the same thread as another PC they own. The ONLY exception to this rule is when a Spirit Moderator is conducting a city or region-wide event. In this case, two PCs owned by the same player can RP within these threads, but cannot under any circumstances interact with each other in any way. This is not an automatic given exception. It is up to the Spirit that conducts these events to allow this exception. If you find yourself in this situation, please Private Message the Spirit Moderator in charge of the event to seek approval.

Retiring PCs can be a useful tool for those who wish to have many PCs at a time but not play all at the same time. One season a player might want to focus on one PC in one season and a different one a different season. Retiring PCs is reversible at any time, but allows the player to have a break from the PC. Read the Retirement Rules to learn more. 

Please be aware, it is required that all Characters owned by a Player must be listed on the Player’s Player Sheet. This way is it easy to track the owners of Characters to specific Players. A Character Sheet can only be approved if the Player Account section is filled in, and the Character is logged in the existing Player Sheet.

Last updated byadmin on June 29, 2020