The current Season is:
Fall, Year 322 A.C.
There are four Seasons on Siliren that are used to name the time of year. Spring, Winter, Fall, Summer, with the beginning of the year generally celebrated on the first day of Spring. These four Seasons are used instead of months that are used IRL. Days of the week might still exist depending on the culture or language of the character. Each day of each Season corresponds to an IRL date.
Spring IC is 92 days long and corresponds with the full IRL months of March, April, and May. The Season change from Winter to Spring is on March 1st, where it becomes Spring 1. The last day of Spring is May 31st, or Spring 92.
Summer IC is 92 days long and corresponds with the full IRL months of June, July, and August. The Season change from Spring to Summer is on June 1st, where it becomes Summer 1. The last day of Summer is August 31st, or Summer 92.
Fall IC is 91 days long and corresponds with the full IRL months of September, October, and November. The Season change from Summer to Fall is on September 1st, where it becomes Fall 1. The last day of Fall is November 30th, or Summer 91.
Winter IC is 90 days long and corresponds with the full IRL months of December, January, and February. The Season change from Fall to Winter is on December 1st, where it becomes Winter 1. The last day of Winter is February 28th, or Winter 90.
The beginning of the Siliren Year starts on Spring 1 and ends on Winter 90. The Year can be determined by the IRL year. Siliren, as a website, opened in the IC year of 320AC in the IRL year of 2020. Therefore, on March 1st of 2021 the Year will change from 320AC to 321AC, and so on. So if the year is 2041 IRL, then the Siliren Year, as long as the IRL date is March or later, will be 341AC.