A Timestamp is basically a date and/or time that is assigned and placed within an IC thread. Time within Siliren is semi-fluid, meaning that a Player can post IC threads that are dated anytime during the current Season. While each day within a Season technically corresponds with an IRL date, this does not mean that a Player can only post threads that occur on the corresponding date.
For example. The date of September 14th corresponds with the Siliren date of Fall 14. The IRL months of September, October, and November, all fall within the Season of Fall in Siliren. On September 14th a Player can post a thread within any date of the Fall Season, or any date that corresponds with any date in those IRL months. Just because it is the 14th of September does not mean that a Player is only allowed to post a thread that is dated Fall 14.
A Timestamp is required for every IC thread that is posted, this includes Prayer and Dreamwalking threads. A Timestamp is only required for the first post of the thread, or any post where the date changes. Only one Character needs to post a Timestamp in a thread with multiple Characters participating.
A Timestamp can include a number of entities, some required, some not. The Season, such as Fall/Winter/Summer/Spring is required, along with the specific date, such as the 14th. The Year is also required. Time of day is not required but allowed if wanted, along with the day of the week, if such exists within the culture or language. A finished Timestamp with all the requirements should look like this:
Fall 14, 200
Other fairs, of course, can be added, but not required.
Monday, Fall 14, Year 200AC, 3:15PM
Ideally, the Timestamp is posted at the top of a post. This is not required, the Timestamp can, technically, be posted anywhere within the thread, but at the top is usually easiest for everyone. Timestamps should also be posted in the Character Sheet along with the thread title when recording participating threads under the Threads section of the CS. This, again, is not required, but highly encouraged.